Ingrid Hillhouse

cycling through life

Cycling ​Through Life:

A Guide to ​Shifting Gears

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Imagine your life as a cyclist, navigating a terrain filled with ​various obstacles and opportunities.The gears you choose ​determine how smoothly you traverse this landscape. Just like a ​cyclist, your life is influenced by the gears you select. But unlike ​a bicycle, your gears are not limited to a few mechanical options. ​They are the motivations that drive your actions, shaping your ​experiences and determining your overall well-being.

In this roadmap, we'll explore the concept of "gears" as the ​motivators we use in life, based on the Map of Human ​Consciousness developed by David Hawkins. These gears are ​not just metaphorical; they are connected to specific energy ​frequencies that influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Vibrational Energy Chart

shadow black

As shown in the pictograph, the lower gears (Anger, Fear, Doubt, Worry, Shame) align with low vibration, low ​frequency energy. These energies can drain your energy, cloud your judgment, and limit your ability to thrive. On the ​other hand, the higher gears (Acceptance, Love, Joy, Serenity) are associated with high frequency energy, which ​can elevate your consciousness, foster a sense of peace, fulfillment, and connection.

By understanding the relationship between gears and energy frequencies, you can consciously choose to operate in ​higher gears, leading to profound transformations in your life.

The Shift: A Journey ​to Higher Gears

to Shifting Gears

The good news is that you have the power to shift gears. By understanding the ​mechanics of your mind and the factors that influence your choices, you can ​consciously choose to operate in higher gears. This shift can lead to profound ​transformations in your life, unlocking your full potential and creating a more ​fulfilling existence.

Ready to shift into a higher gear? Let's dive into the practical tools and ​techniques that will help you navigate life's journey with greater ease and joy.

On the next page, we'll provide you with a practical roadmap for shifting gears, ​based on the acronym SHIFT.


Circle Shape Outline


Circle Infographic with 5 Steps




Circled Thin
gear doodle illustration








Ingrid Hillhouse

The SHIFT model provides a structured approach to navigating life's ​challenges and shifting into higher gears. Let's explore each step in detail:

1. Stop - Much like a cyclist might stop to assess the terrain ahead…

  • Pause and Notice: Take a moment to become aware of your current ​thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
  • Observe Without Judgment: Notice your thoughts and emotions without ​labeling them as good or bad. Simply observe them as they arise.
  • Create Space: Allow some space between your thoughts and feelings, ​creating a mental distance that can help you gain perspective.

2. Heart - Like a cyclist might listen to their body's signals to determine the ​best gear, check in with your heart.

  • Connect to Your Intuition: Tune in to your heart center and trust your ​inner wisdom.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your physical sensations. Your body ​often provides valuable clues about your emotional state.
  • Cultivate Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, ​recognizing that everyone experiences challenges.

1. Stop - Much like a cyclist might stop to assess the terrain ahead…

  • Pause and Notice: Take a moment to become aware of your current thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
  • Observe Without Judgment: Notice your thoughts and emotions without labeling them as good or bad. Simply observe them ​as they arise.
  • Create Space: Allow some space between your thoughts and feelings, creating a mental distance that can help you gain ​perspective.

2. Heart - Like a cyclist might listen to their body's signals to determine the best gear, check in with your heart.

  • Connect to Your Intuition: Tune in to your heart center and trust your inner wisdom.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your physical sensations. Your body often provides valuable clues about your emotional ​state.
  • Cultivate Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, recognizing that everyone experiences challenges.

3. Inquire

  • Identify Your Current Gear: Using the Map of Human Consciousness as a reference, determine which gear you are currently ​operating in. Are you primarily in low gears (Anger, Fear, Doubt, Worry, Shame) or high gears (Acceptance, Love, Joy, Serenity)?
  • Ask Yourself Questions: Explore the underlying causes of your thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself questions like:
    • What is triggering these emotions?
    • What beliefs or assumptions am I holding onto?
    • How am I interpreting this situation?
  • Challenge Limiting Beliefs: Identify any negative or limiting beliefs that might be contributing to your low-gear state.
  • Seek Clarity: Aim to gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts and feelings.

4. Feel - Just as a cyclist might embrace the challenge of a steep climb.​

  • Embrace Your Emotions: Allow yourself to experience your emotions fully, without judgment or resistance.​
  • Validate Your Feelings: Acknowledge that your feelings are valid and normal.​
  • Express Yourself: Find healthy ways to express your emotions, such as journaling, talking to a friend, or engaging in creative​ activities.​

5. Take Action - Much like a cyclist selects the appropriate gear to ascend a hill.​

  • Choose Intentionally: Select actions that align with your values and support your well-being. Choose the gear you desire to be in​ based on the Map of Human Consciousness.​
  • Set Goals: Establish clear goals that can help you shift into a higher gear.​
  • Take Small Steps: Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.​

By following the SHIFT model, you can develop the skills and tools necessary to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and ​resilience. Remember, shifting gears is a journey, and progress may not always be linear. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your ​successes along the way.


A Daily Practice for Shifting Gears

Now that you have a roadmap for shifting gears, let's explore a simple ​daily practice to help you stay connected to your higher gears:

  1. Morning Reflection: Start your day by taking a few moments to reflect on your current state. ​Ask yourself: Am I operating in a high gear (Acceptance, Love, Joy, Serenity)? Or am I stuck in ​a low gear (Anger, Fear, Doubt, Worry, Shame)?
  2. Identify Obstacles: If you notice yourself slipping into a low gear, identify the factors ​contributing to this. Are there specific thoughts, beliefs, or situations triggering these negative ​emotions?
  3. Shift Gears Consciously: Once you've identified the obstacles, consciously choose to shift ​into a higher gear. Use the SHIFT method to guide you through this process.
  4. Gratitude Practice: Cultivate gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life. This ​can help shift your perspective and elevate your mood.
  5. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. This might ​include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

By incorporating this daily practice into your routine, you can gradually strengthen your ​ability to shift gears and experience more joy, peace, and fulfillment in your life.

Ready to shift gears and embark on a journey of transformation? Join our exclusive ​Facebook group to connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and ​receive updates on the upcoming book, Cycling Through Life.

As a member of our private Facebook group ​you'll have access to:

  • Exclusive content: Get early access to excerpts from the book, helpful tips, and ​guided meditations.
  • A supportive community: Connect with others who are also working to shift into ​higher gears.
  • Opportunities to participate: Join group discussions, share your insights, and ​be part of a vibrant community.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be among the first to know when ​Cycling Through Life is available.

Join our Facebook group today and start your journey toward a more ​fulfilling and joyful life.

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